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Generate simple project with archetype

The simplest way is to generate your project with the archetype :

mvn archetype:generate \
	-DarchetypeCatalog= \ \

If you’re starting with FAST, try the simpliest example : fast-archetype-simple.

Available archetypes are listed and described on their own website : FAST archetypes.

How to start ?

  • Pages in folder src/main/resources/pages can use the ESIgate aggregator syntax in order to include template or block
  • Modules in folder src/main/resources/modules are the template and block to reuse

To generate the target HTML, just type :

mvn compile

You’ll find the resulting HTML into folder “target > generated-html”

To make a package of the resulting static files, just type :

mvn package

This will generate a zip-archive into target folder. Then you can send this archive to anyone wanting to see results of your work =)

More plugins ?

To ease working with FAST, we defined a parent project that contains default initialisation for some useful plugin : LESS, SASS, minify, JSlint, … They are described on their respective page.