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Maven Fast ApplicationS Templating

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Maven FAST plugin

This plugin, based on esigate API, generate a set of HTML pages with reusable components.

The idea is to create simple HTML fragment and then to have a process that aggregates all thos fragment into a complete HTML file.

Try me !

Go to the basic usage page to learn the basics instructions

Bootstrap ?

Go to the archetype sister project to learn about the available archetypes.

Add some plugins !

FAST is a Maven plugin. It means that you're defining a Maven project, so that every maven plugin is available for you to use. Maybe some of the frontend-orientated ones may interest you :

Eclipse users ?

If you use Eclipse, maybe you're using m2Eclipse. If so, you may be interested by knowing that FAST work seamlessly with your IDE. You'll find more information in FAST end Eclipse.


Here are the available versions :

Current development documentation :