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Renders a MantineReactTable component with row/mass actions and pagination

Storybook Docs


actionsITableAction[]Array of IActions for the table
menuLabelstring"Other actions"Tooltip label of the "..." extra actions menu
paginationPropsPartial<IPaginationProps>-Props of Pagination component
rowActionNumbernumber0Index that determines where the row actions array in the actions column is sliced, all actions after this index will be moved inside the "..." extra actions menu
...--extends MRT_TableOptions props

ITableData<Data extends Record<string, unknown>

Corresponds to either a Data object or an array of Data objects, or MRT_Row<Data> or MRT_Row<Data>[]

MRT_Row is a MantineReactTable wrapper type that correspond to a table row.


Corresponds to IAction<ITableData>