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Renders a Controlled Mantine Pagination component next to a select controlling the number of displayed items per page, inside a Flex

Storybook Docs


page *number-Controlled value of the current page
totalPages *number-Total number of pages
itemsPerPage *number-Controlled value of the items per page Select
itemsPerPageAriaLabelstring-Aria label of the items per page Select
itemsPerPageOptionsIOptions<number>[]Array of options for the items per page Select
isTransparentbooleanfalseDisplays a background behind the component
onItemsPerPageChange(value: number) => void-Called when Select is changed
onPageChange(value: number) => void-Called when Pagination page is changed
paginationPropsPaginationProps-Props for the Mantine Pagination component
selectPropsSelectProps-Props for the Mantine Select component
...--extends Flex props