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Info Box

Render a card with title, content, content blocks and background motif

Storybook Docs


childrenReactElement-Content of the right section
collapseBooleantrueActive or not collapse function
contentReactElement-Content at the bottom of the left section
contentItemsIContentItem[][]Array of content blocks, main content of the left section
titleReactElement-Title of the card
motifReactElementDefault MotifBackground motif of the card
leftContainerStyleCSSProperties-CSS style of the left section
rightContainerStyleCSSProperties-CSS style of the right section
...--extends Paper props


Represents a block of content inside the card.

iconReactElementActionIcon of content
iconPropsPartial<ActionIconProps>Props for the ActionIcon
labelstringtext of content
onAction(item: IContentItem) => voidCalled when content is clicked