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Header Mobile

Render an application header with optional left section, right section, content and search button/bar for mobile display

Storybook Docs


childrenReactNode-Main content of header
heightnumber90Height of Header
leftReactNode-Left section
rightReactNode-Right section
searchValuestring-Controlled value of search bar input
onSearchChange(value: string) => void-Callback function that returns the value of the field as soon as it changes
onSearchSubmit(event: FormEvent) => void-Called when search bar input is submitted
searchInputPropsOmit<TextInputProps, 'onChange' | 'value'>-Allows configuring the props of the child component TextInput
WithBorderbooleanfalseDisplay or not a border on the Header
hasSearchbooleantrueControl the display of the search bar
burgerPropsOmit<BurgerProps, "onClick" | "opened">-Allows configuring the props of the child component Burger
collapsePropsOmit<CollapseProps, "in">-Allows configuring the props of the child component Collapse
...--extends Mantine's HeaderProps