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Action List

Renders an array of IActions as ActionIcons, with an option to show only a portion of the array and insert the rest into a menu

Storybook Docs


ActionBar takes a <Data> generic type that extends Record<string, unknown>.

actionButtonPropsButtonProps-Extra props for the visible action buttons in default mode
actionTooltipPropsTooltipProps-Extra props for the action tooltips, on the menu icon and on the action icons in compact mode
actionsIAction <Data | Data[]>[]-Array of IAction for the rendered action buttons or actions inside the menu
isCompactStylebooleanfalseBoolean value that determines the display style, either default (false) or compact (true)
modalPropsIThumbnailAction[]-Extra props passed to the internal Mantine Modal component, used for actions with confirmation enabled
overflowMenuLabelstring"Other actions"
String used as both the aria-label and the Tooltip label of the menu button/icon
rowActionNumbernumber1Index value used to determine which actions will be displayed directly in the action column (before this index) or in the action menu (starting at this index)
selectedElements *Data | Data[]-Array of currently selected elements, necessary for the actions to be able to pass those elements along
...--extends Group props