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Filter List

Renders a list of filters with text inputs and a manage filters button which displays the component SearchableList

Storybook Docs


filters *`IFilter[]-Array of filters
onActiveFiltersChange((filters: IFilter[]) => void)-Callback function called when the confirm change button is clicked.
onSubmit((activeFilters: IFilter[]) => void)-Callback function called when the submit button is clicked.
direction"row" | "column""row"Display orientation
filtersManageLabelstring"Manage filters"Label of filters manage button
manageFilterModalSearchPlaceholderstring"Search in filters"Placeholder of filter modal search
manageFilterModalSearchSubmitstring"Confirm changes"Label of confirm change button in modal
manageFilterModalTitlestring"Manage filters"Title of manage filter modal
modalPropsModalProps-Props of Modal component
submitLabelstring"Filter"Submit button label


activebooleanDefine if filter is active
componentReactElementcomponent element
id number | stringidentifier
label stringLabel value