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Document Box

Renders a box showing the thumbnail, and the optional title, metadata and content of a document

Storybook Docs


authorReactNode-Content displayed as the author of the document, after the date
childrenReactNode-Content displayed below the document title and metadata
dateReactNode-Content displayed as the document's date, below the document title and before the author
iconTypeIconMapempty file iconIcon indicating the filetype of the document, one of the IconMap values
imagestringdefault fallback imagePath to the image or thumbnail of the document, displayed on the left
mobileImageButtonLabelstring"'Display preview"Label for mobile collapse button
pathReactNode-Content displayed as the document's path, after the document title
titleReactNode-Content displayed as the document's title, at the top
onCardClick(() => void)-Callback function called when the user clicks on the card.